About Us

Who Are We?

This website has been created by local resident Gregory Ebbs as a personal initiative. Please note that this website is not an official platform and is not affiliated with Whitchurch Town Council or any governmental organisations.

Many of our website's users and administrators are local residents who are deeply concerned about the gradual decline of services in Whitchurch, which has occurred over nearly a decade. Our primary objective is to advocate for the preservation and enhancement of essential town facilities in our thriving community of over 10,000 residents.

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About Whitchurch

Whitchurch, Shropshire's oldest continuously inhabited town, strategically located and with a population exceeding 10,000 residents, boasts a rich history dating back to Roman times. Positioned as a central hub at the crossroads of Cheshire, Stoke, Shrewsbury, and Oswestry, it enjoys easy access via major roads and the national rail network. Interestingly, the town derives its name from a white church that collapsed in the 18th century.

History Of The Civic Centre

Whitchurch Civic Centre is the bustling heart of our town. Constructed in the 1960s, the current Civic Centre was built to replace the town's Victorian Town Hall. Presently, the Civic plays a central role in various town activities, serving as the primary property for the Town Council. Throughout the year, it hosts a wide range of events, often hired by local residents. Besides its versatile rooms, the Civic Centre includes a reception area, town library, sports and market hall, dance hall, theatre, and offers essential services like Citizens Advice. It was due to be the location of the town's Driving Test Centre until its closure.

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RAAC Issue

Shropshire Council, as the owners of Whitchurch Civic Centre, made the decision to close the building on health and safety grounds following the advice of external experts. The central section of the building's roof was constructed using Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) with an intended lifespan of 30 years. However, 50 years have passed since its initial construction. Reports presented by Shropshire Council identified that this part of the roof is in poor condition and requires attention leading to its closure.


In January 2024, Shropshire Council issued a report advocating for "Option 6: The Demolition and Rebuilding of the Civic Centre." At the time of writing this section, the authors of the report remain unidentified. However, concerns arise from the report's language, raising public apprehensions that Shropshire Council might be using health and safety concerns as a pretext for the widely held belief that the building's demolition is primarily driven by funding shortages and misallocation of government funds. Note, you can download the report by clicking here.

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Why We Want To Keep It

We urge Shropshire Council to consider the consequences of closing and demolishing the Civic Centre carefully. Its closure would not only halt council functions but also impact numerous community groups. The replacement is unlikely to match the services offered, including a market hall, dance hall, and theatre. In 2016, £850,000 was invested in front refurbishment. Demolishing the building would be a wasteful use of public funds and contribute to environmental concerns, contrasting with the government's COP commitment to combat climate change and pollution.

Services Lost

In little more than a decade, Whitchurch has seen a significant erosion of crucial services that a growing town rightfully deserves. Here's a brief compilation of facilities within Whitchurch that have ceased operations or been discontinued since 2016:

Service Date:
Queensway Ambulance Station [Closed by the NHS] 2013
West Mercia Police Station August 2015
Dodington Surgery [Undergoing Replacement] April 2016
Whitchurch Swimming Centre [Undergoing Replacement] March 2020
Youth Centre North East October 2020
Driving Test Centre April 2022
Whitchurch Town Library September 2023
Whitchurch Civic Centre [Including Performance Space] September 2023

Next Steps

At the time of writing this article, two petitions exist advocating the protection and repairing of the civic centre. The petitions have thousands of signatories and are rapidly growing. You can find one of the petitions here. Going forward we have two ambitions: A, to provide the public with updates regarding the future of the Town's Civic Centre. B, get the public involved and come up with ideas and suggestions on how we can address the RAAC and save the civic centre and its primary functions. Final note: As a growing and evolving town, there is need for public facilities to meet the need of the population. That's why its so important to get the public involved in any public consultation. You can have your say by clicking here. Be sure to bookmark our site to stay informed about any developments and updates.